
Welcome to the Forest Knoll Homeowners Association Website!

This site was designed to provide community information to the property owners, residents, potential buyers, and real estate professionals representing buyers and sellers in the Hendricks County Indiana Community of Forest Knoll.

Sherwin Williams – Tavern Taupe – SW7508

We are looking for Board Members!

Click Here to Contact Us if you are Interested!


The sun is shining, the birds are chirping, and everyone is excited to get outside and enjoy it! Get out there and soak up that much needed fresh air and sunshine! Many of you may have started working on your outdoor projects! We love to see everyone in the community working hard to keep their homes looking nice.

Please remember to submit your architectural requests if you haven’t done so already!

Street Safety
The weather is finally perfect! Everyone is now outside enjoying the sunshine so it’s really important to be mindful of everyone around you while driving in the community. Watch out for people walking their dogs, kids playing outside and riding their bikes! Please slow down. Please make sure to stop at all stop signs! If there is a new driver in your home, please remind them to drive slowly through the community. Let’s keep everyone safe.

Be Respectful
Keep in mind when friends and family come to visit, parking can start to become a problem. Unless absolutely necessary, do not park on the street. Do not park near fire hydrants, intersections, stop signs, or directly across from another vehicle. Let’s all keep our streets as safe as possible. Remember, parking in front of mailboxes is not allowed.
Please remember to clean-up after your pets while out and about.

Home Maintenance
Submit an Arc Request before making any changes to the outside of your home or lot. Exceptions: Painting the outside of your home the same color. Be advised: It can take up to 60 days for an approval and a permit may also be required for some changes.
– Repair and maintain your fence, including painting and staining every 3 years, mow, clean-up and maintain property behind your fence.
– Bring in your trash cans as soon as possible after trash collection but no later than the next day.
– Maintain your yard by eliminating weeds and limit spreading as much as possible. Keep your grass no
taller than 4 inches as measured from the turf.
– Clean mold/mildew off of your homes.
– Christmas lights need to be removed.

If you have any additional questions, please contact us (317) 682-0571 or homeowners@yourhoahelp.com